San Simón – Guaranda

Social Project for Community Training and Development


The Project began on March 24, 2003 with the idea of promoting integral development in children, adolescents and adults through educational support, nutrition, productive initiatives, and community awareness actions in close to 400 families of the 18 communities of the San Simón Parish.

To foster the integral development of children, adolescents, and senior citizens of the San Simón Community in Guaranda, through training and coaching that contributes to a greater quality of life.

Over 300 persons have directly benefitted from the project through various training, productive, and developmental programs.


being Developed



We work with boys and girls of the community in order to create and improve study habits in computers, English, Math, Language, Music, and Christian values.
We impart training courses on a face-to-face basis in topics such as IT program management, Integral Farm Administration, and Sustainable Community Development.
Everyday we take care of over 60 senior citizens with a high degree of social vulnerability. Thanks to an Agreement entered into with the MIES several years ago, we can now embark on the delicate and rewarding task of caring for them; on a daily basis we offer: health and balanced nutrition, medical care and prescription drugs, recreational activities, visit to their homes, and daily transport. In addition, we foster their participation in the social, cultural, and religious life of the Parish.
We maintain our community kitchens where every day of the week, we provide a healthy and balanced nutrition to over 180 persons among children, teenagers, and seniors.



We maintain our integral farms as support to the farmers of the area with the outlook of improving their production. Furthermore, we assist in the learning and training school. In our farms, we produce organic vegetables, meats, poultry, eggs, and honey.
In the year 2011, we created the “Asociación de Productores y Comercializadores de Lácteos y Derivados San Simón” (San Simón Dairy and By-products Production and Marketing Association), with the support and advisement of the Foundation. Currently, it processes 1,120 liters of milk per day, with which the following by-products are produced: fresh cheese, semi-mature (Andean) cheese, mozzarella cheese, cottage cheese, sweet condensed milk, butter, and yogurt. As of May 2016, we deliver over 2,100 units of cheese every month to Supermaxi.

Project in Guaranda
